Fit for rebirth
The shreddable sneaker that feeds the Planet
We need a CHANGE
Nearly 25 billion pairs of shoes are produced worldwide each year (source: World Footwear), about 20 billion of which are sneakers. Ninety-five percent of them end up in landfills within a year, barely 5% are recycled. It is far too evident that such a flow cannot be environmentally sustainable in any way. However, to reverse course we must go to the roots of the production process because, as we know, every waste is a design flaw.
Starting from this awareness and our expertise in bio-circular leather, we aim to create something absolutely revolutionary and capable of rewriting from scratch the whole concept of life cycle in footwear. Inspired by Ecotan’s philosophy, the goal of the Ecotan Shoes is to prove we can fully return to nature those resources and raw materials we initially took “on loan”. That’s how we conceived the Ecotan Shoes Sneaker, the first Sneaker fit for rebirth.
The first Sneaker fit for rebirth
Ecotan Shoes Sneaker is a zero-waste, groundbreaking execution made from 100% eco-friendly leathers naturally tanned with tannins from chestnut and quebracho wood, tara pods and gallnuts. Designed in layers and without internal stitchings, it is totally free of fillers, plastics or any other synthetic polymers, thus proving a safe, clean and healthy solution for consumers. Thanks to its entirely organic origin and bio-circular culture, the Sneaker returns to nature at the end of its life cycle closing the loop. It is “digestible” by nature just as it is, without being disassembled, as it can be shredded completely to return to the soil and feed the planet as an organic fertilizer.
Looks gorgeous, performs great, lasts longer
Sustainability is the fundamental pillar of this innovative project, but shoes have to be worn, so they must be comfortable, performing and also beautiful to look at.
The special metal-free Ecotan leathers and the revolutionary layered structure make the Sneaker soft, breathable and dry. Thanks to its hygroscopic properties and the presence of tannins, the shoe maintains the skin microbiome of our feet healthy, avoids the formation of bad odors and pleasantly tickles the nostrils with a scent of tannins. Another important aspect that ties in with sustainability is durability. The leather tanned with natural tannins and the innovative design make a difference: this Sneaker can last ages, winning over time the charm of experience. It can also be easily repaired. Thrills for the feet, Ecotan Shoes Sneaker stuns with its stylish and modern look & feel, becoming an attractive and trendy footwear for people who want to play their part for the Planet every day.
Feeding the planet
Ecotan Shoes Sneaker meets a new bio-circular design standard: an expanding list of next generation “product ingredients” engineered to be returned to the earth to join nature’s cycle. Once shredded at the end of its life, the Sneaker is transformed into a bio-fertilizer that releases back into the soil the nutrients originally borrowed from the animal hide. Rich in organic nitrogen and carbon content, this fertilizer improves soil fertility, nourishing the plants that absorb and store CO2. The outcome is a reduced impact in terms of carbon footprint, but not only. With Ecotan Shoes Sneaker and its second life model, we are raising the bar in sustainable product design, helping the industry to build a real culture of trust and transparency with consumers.
Ecotan partners
Over 20 of the top tanneries in the world have joined the project and are ready to supply Ecotan leathers globally.
With selected partners such as Biofin and Fertilizzanti Certaldo, Silvateam coordinates all aspects related to leather finishing and recyclability.